Sean Buckley interview with Insights Success

UltraTune: Providing a Widespread of Roadside Assistance

The world is growing at a rapid pace, and daily commute has become an essential need for our lives. We travel places and expect our journey to go hassle-free. It is vital to keep our vehicles in optimal condition and maintained properly. Many times, just like any other machinery, vehicles can breakdown along the route. These mishaps are disappointing, and often disruptive. So, to keep your journey easy-going Ultra Tune, an Australia based auto service company comes with solutions on the go. The company provides various automobile solutions such as maintenance, repair, tyres, logbook services, roadside assist, suspension and brakes, and air conditioning.
Ultra Tune’s Auto Service Centres are widespread across Australia with some 270 service centres nationally distributed. Ultra Tune provides both private and fleet motorists with a full range of automotive services, each designed to be performed in a structured series of operating procedures ensuring faster, more efficient, and performance-enhancing service.

Sean BuckleyChief Executive of Ultra Tune, is an Australian entrepreneur with vast experience in many areas of business. He utilizes his expertise in diverse companies he is passionate about. He has been the impetus behind the often criticized but highly successful advertising campaigns.

Below are the highlights of the interview between Ultra Tune’s Sean Buckley and Insights Success.

Describe your background and, what did you do before you started or came into this business?
After graduating (with honors) from university with a degree in marketing, I worked in various capacities for organizations such as Thomas Cook around the world, setting up international agencies before relocating back to Australia and starting with Ultra Tune in a marketing role in the early 1990s.

What are the cutting-edge franchise services/solutions offered by Ultra Tune? 
I often like to tell people, “Ultra Tune is an IT company that just happens to service cars.” Car servicing is our stock in trade, but where Ultra Tune has managed to stay ahead of the competition over the years is by reading market trends and staying ahead of the curve. In the early days we did this by introducing “dyno-tuning” before anyone else, today we aim to stay ahead of the competition by building a state-ofthe- art priority IT platform which handles every aspect of the business – from booking a service to reviewing specific vehicle’s service records to sending out reminders to clients that their next booking is due, to invoicing. Our system is world-leading and provides both franchisees and clients with a seamless and complete service.

What people, what books, what life factors have influenced and impacted you? 
I appreciate the drive and focus of Donald Trump – his nonpolitical correctness, business type approach to politics is refreshing and long over-due. Books – I loved the Art of War, and from a “life factors” perspective; my father had a massive influence on helping to establish my persona, work ethic and long-term goals and objectives. It saddens me daily that he passed away before having the opportunity to see what has developed with Ultra Tune and various other companies I’ve founded over the years. I am buoyed by the fact that I know he’d be pleased with those career/professional achievements I’ve managed to achieve. Also and equally influential for me has been the birth of my three beautiful daughters, and I wait with bated breathe to see how their lives unfold going forward.

What is the operating philosophy that the business has been built on? 
Always try to look to the future. Employ good, trustworthy, hard-working people in crucial positions, give them some autonomy, and only provide guidance rather than micromanaging. A number of my staff have been with me for 15 years plus, some of the key innovations we’ve had within the various enterprises I’m involved in can be attributed to my key staff members.

Read more of this interview here with Sean Buckley and Insights Success