What are the practices that Ultra Tune Australia follows to deliver a personalized customer experience?
Sean Buckley says: I often describe Ultra Tune as an “IT company that just happens to service cars” and therein lies our point of difference. At the moment we are developing a state-of-the-art IT platform that allows us to further personalize our customer experience(s). We have the capacity, across our network, to know precisely what work has been done to a customer’s vehicle anywhere in the network and what issues may have arisen when we’ve viewed a vehicle. We can then personally notify a customer that they have some issue with their vehicle that needs to be attended to either immediately or within the next couple of weeks/months, providing them with a personalized follow-up notification.

We are also very proactive on a location by location basis. For example, during the recent global COVID pandemic, the State of Victoria was thrust into complete disarray with a stage four lock-down. For two months people were forced to largely stay inside and only travel when essential. Ultra Tune (in Victoria) quickly recognized motor vehicles were (a) the preferred mode of safe transport and (b) safety critical works such as doctors and nurses needed to be shielded and protected from the COVID virus. We quickly instigated a nation leading vehicle sanitation program giving away for free to our frontline safety workers