Mike Tyson to star in new Ultra Tune campaign!
We are thrilled to have Mike Tyson on board for our new Ultra Tune ad which will air in 2018 during the Australian Open! Filmed in Las Vegas with rubber girls Tyana Hansen, Parnia Porsche and Jasmin Rainbow, the ad is part of our Unexpected Situations series which has been a huge success.

Sean Buckley in Las Vegas onset with the “Rubber Girls” (left to right) – Tyana Hansen, Parnia Porsche and Jasmin Rainbow.
Sean Buckley Ultra Tune owner recently told Confidential that “We welcome the controversy because it gets people talking,”
“The more complaints we seem to get about these ads, the more our sales go up.”
Van Damme’s “Unexpected Situation” campaign caused controversy earlier this year with complaints the ads were unnecessarily over-sexualised.
“Australia used to be a land of fun and comedy but everything has become politically correct to another level, so much so people are scared to do something different or funny,” Buckley said.
“It seems everyone now wants to censor everything and you can’t do anything without offending someone.”
Read more from the interview with Sean Buckley here